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Easy Portable

The EasyPortable is a true mobile X-ray system for medical use. Easy transportation due to low weight (only 75 kg) and hassle free positioning of X-ray generator and detector provide a very flexible application.

The heart of the system consists of a CANON-CXDI flat panel detector.

This portable detector has proven its reliability in the field of radiology worldwide, including mobile use on the African continent.

  • The small footprint of the EasyPortable allows the unit to be placed in virtually any location. Just 4 m2 is required for all components.
  • The whole system comes in two easy to transport flight cases. This allows for safe transport of the system. Unpacking and setup of the system can be done in just 30 minutes.
  • The EasyPortable comes with a Picture Archive and Communication system (PACS) and a dedicated (TB) viewer all installed on a rugged portable laptop. DVD backup of the images is included and allows for virtual unlimited storage capacity of image data.
  • With inverter capable of >4 hours continuous operation without the need for external grid power.

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